
Darf ich das? Das Quiz für Rechthaber

‘Can you drink beer while driving?’ – Laura Karasek asks her celebrity guests in the new SAT.1 show ‘Darf ich das? The quiz for right-wingers’

Unterföhring, 22 January 2025: Is it okay to drink beer while driving? Do I have to give back the engagement ring if my partner demands it after the break-up? Can I oblige my child to help around the house? In the new SAT.1 show ‘Darf ich das? Das Quiz für Rechthaber’, presenter and lawyer Laura Karasek asks her three celebrity guests question after question, with humorous and well-founded answers – from Thursday, 13 February 2025, at 22:20 on SAT.1 and on Joyn. To kick things off, Mirja Boes, Lisa Feller and Axel Stein will answer curious legal questions and legal queries from viewers. ‘Darf ich das?’ is produced by Fandango. (SAT.1)

Every Thursday, from 13 February 2025, at 22:20 on SAT.1 and on Joyn